
Tony Griggs

Tony was born nearly 8 weeks early in 1988. Most likely as a result of his premature birth, Tony has Cerebral Palsy (CP). CP is the most common motor disorder diagnosed in childhood. It is caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain or damage to the developing brain in infancy. Tony has spastic […]

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At 30, Dirk was an active sales manager.  His reality changed drastically when he tumbled off his roof onto a fence, breaking his back.  For years, Dirk experienced the restricted, limiting lifestyle of nursing homes and adult foster care. While still a young man full of hopes and ambitions, he was being considered an appropriate

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“I moved into a QUAD Inc. apartment because I experienced very inconsistent care when I lived in my own home, never knowing whether my caregivers would show up or not. Now, if a caregiver doesn’t show up I’m not worried about finding help or having to spend the day in my bed.  Living in this

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Roland and Ruth

Roland and Ruth have spent a lot of time thinking about how QUAD’s services have enabled them to embrace family life and move forward in the midst of physical challenges. They have learned much from their own experience, and their fellow residents at Central Station have also taught them much about how to do new

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Ryan Skelton

Dr. Ryan Skelton

Ryan Skelton, Ph.D. is constantly pondering his relationships to people, things and ideas in the world around him, captivated by questions of what is true — or not true— about the scope of his abilities. “The more things I can figure out how to do for myself, the more elements of my disability become irrelevant.

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