Housing Resources
Recommended Housing Resources
QUAD provides accessible, non-emergency housing. If you are an emergency situation or urgently in need of specialized housing we suggest contacting the following metro-Portland based organizations:
Central City Concern: https://www.centralcityconcern.org/
Affordable housing for those affected by poverty, homelessness, and addictions.
Cascadia Whole Health Care: https://www.cascadiabhc.org/
Affordable housing and healthcare for adults in need of mental health and addiction support.
Hacienda Community Development Corp: https://haciendacdc.org/
Provides housing and economic opportunities to low-income families in NE Portland.
Street Roots Rose City Resource Guide
The Street Roots Rose City Resource Guide is a publication of Street Roots and is the Metro region’s most comprehensive, up-to-date list of services for people experiencing homelessness and poverty. It includes a variety of resources within Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington Counties. You can find information on rental assistance, housing services, rent & utility assistance and more.
Home Forward: http://www.homeforward.org/
Connecting people affected by homelessness and disability to housing and resources.
Human Solutions: https://humansolutions.org/
Affordable housing and services for people affected by poverty and homelessness.
… and more! For a comprehensive list of housing supports and organizations in Portland (and beyond), see this list compiled by NAMI: https://namior.org/search-for-resources/ Search for ‘housing’ or any other resources you find relevant.