Affordable Housing
Affordable & Accessible Housing
QUAD has developed and operates five independent living, wheelchair-accessible apartments in the Portland Metro Area. Our apartments include Myers Court, Burnside Station, Central Station and Station 162 (all in Multnomah County), and Rolling Green Apartments (in Washington County) serving 128 low-income, disabled residents and their families.

Myers Court

Burnside Station

Central Station

Rolling Green

Station 162

The studio, one and two-bedroom floorplans are all specially designed as wheelchair-accessible apartments. Accessible design features include wheelchair ready, roll-under counters, appliances, sinks, roll-in showers, open floor plans and a variety of features specifically designed for individuals with disabilities. Buildings also offer community rooms, outdoor areas, emergency assistance, advanced fire, and life safety systems and a high level of safety and security.

QUAD is a provider of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) rent-subsidized housing, following strict regulatory requirements for eligibility, fair housing, facility management, and physical plant maintenance, all monitored by HUD. People qualifying for QUAD affordable housing in Portland pay only 30% of their adjusted gross income for rent (less than $150 per month for most residents) and also receive a utility allowance, effectively lowering their rent even further.

QUAD also operates Station 162 which offers Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) apartments. A Low Income Tax Credit Unit (LIHTC) can be occupied by any household whose income does not exceed the maximum allowable income for their household size.
In addition, LIHTC units can also be occupied by households using Home Forward Vouchers (section 8 vouchers), provided that the LIHTC rent being charged is equal to or lower than the area’s Fair Market Rent (FMR). LIHTC management may not turn down an applicant based solely on Section 8 status. Home Forward/HUD Section 8 Voucher holders may live in a LIHTC unit with rent exceeding Fair Market Rent, but in such cases, the tenant may be responsible for paying the difference between Fair Market Rent and the LIHTC rent. They may also require permission or a waiver from whichever housing authority issued their voucher. Management is responsible for determining whether its tenant households are in compliance with these income requirements.
The majority of QUAD applicants are seeking to move out of rehabilitation facilities, nursing homes, adult foster care, or their parent’s homes. QUAD’s affordable, wheelchair-accessible apartments offer an independent lifestyle and opportunities that individuals with physical disabilities may not have considered possible.
While other organizations in our community provide low-income housing and supportive services for people living with physical disabilities, QUAD is unique in its shared, non-medical attendant care and its affordable, accessible housing designed specifically to foster independence and allow for personal choice in every aspect of daily living.