Roland and Ruth

Roland and Ruth have spent a lot of time thinking about how QUAD’s services have enabled them to embrace family life and move forward in the midst of physical challenges. They have learned much from their own experience, and their fellow residents at Central Station have also taught them much about how to do new things for themselves.

“We’ve realized that we really are our own advocates in this system of care. If we want things done differently, we just need to take the time to explain exactly how we want them done. It’s our household and with this type of care, we can be in charge. That has been very empowering for each of us.”

“When Roland’s parents or sister comes to visit, we can just enjoy their company, sharing stories or playing cards. We count on the Central Station staff for help with tasks that we can’t accomplish ourselves so we don’t have to rely on family and friends for help with daily activities.”

Roland and Ruth

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